Het Braziliaanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, dat het BRICS-voorzitterschap bekleedt, heeft de toetreding van Indonesië tot de BRICS als volwaardig lid aangekondigd
1 maand geleden Demonstranten spreken en roepen leuzen voor de PM-barrière die de toegang tot het Palácio dos Bandeirantes blokkeert
1 maand geleden Braziliaanse politie eist aanklacht tegen Bolsonaro voor poging tot staatsgreep in 2022
2 maand geleden Inheemse demonstranten in Brazilië hebben standbeelden van G20-leiders geplaatst in de Botafogobaai in Rio de Janeiro, de stad waar de top plaatsvindt, uit protest tegen de 'wereldwijde nalatigheid op het gebied van klimaatverandering'.
2 maand geleden G20-top in Rio begint. Braziliaanse president Lula verwelkomt leiders
Rio de Janeiro protesteert tegen leiders G20-top
De linkse regering van Brazilië heeft een veto uitgesproken tegen de poging van Venezuela om zich bij de BRICS aan te sluiten, uit protest tegen Maduro's verkiezingsbedrog. Nu zijn de buren openlijk kritisch
X-platform schort zijn dienstverlening in Brazilië opnieuw op op verzoek van de rechterlijke macht
Brazilië: Petrobras overweegt nieuwe petrochemische fabriek in energiecomplex in Rio de Janeiro
Zelensky: vredesvoorstel China-Brazilië 'destructief', niets meer dan 'politiek statement'
Paraguay urged Venezuela to respect international standards after revoking authorization to Brazil
4 maand geleden Brazil confirms that it will continue to guard the Argentine embassy in Caracas until another State takes over and defends the inviolability of the diplomatic headquarters
4 maand geleden Maduro government confirms that it has unilaterally revoked permission for Brazil to guard the Argentine Embassy in Caracas
Starlink Says Are Complying with The Order to Block Access to X in Brazil- Post on X
A judge has ordered that Elon Musk's social media giant X, formerly known as Twitter, be taken down in Brazil
Brazil is working on a proposal for a new tax on technology giants to collect as much as $903 million per year in additional revenue, Folha de S.Paulo says
X platform announces suspension of operations in Brazil, says service will remain available to its people
Brazilian President Lula: "Venezuela has a government with an authoritarian bias, not exactly a dictatorship"
President Lula da Silva suggests the idea of forming a coalition government in Venezuela or new presidential elections
5 maand geleden López Obrador announced that he will not continue participating in dialogue with Brazil and Colombia on Venezuela until the TSJ makes its decision. "I think that on Friday they will decide on the election acts and the results, so we will wait for that."
Plane with 62 aboard crashes in Brazil: firefighters, airline
Passenger plane carrying 62 passengers crashes in Sao Paulo region, local media reports
5 maand geleden Voepass Flight 2283, a large passenger plane, crashes in Vinhedo, Brazil
Daniel Ortega orders the expulsion of the Brazilian ambassador to Nicaragua
Brazil and Spain insist that the acts of the elections in Venezuela be presented
Colombia, Brazil and Mexico give themselves a week to make progress in eventual Maduro negotiations - Edmundo González
5 maand geleden Brazil, Colombia and Mexico release a joint statement calling on the ‘Venezuelan electoral authorities to move forward expeditiously and publicly release the data broken down by voting station.’
5 maand geleden López Obrador confirms that he will hold a conversation today with Lula and Petro about the crisis in Venezuela. "We are going to talk about the positions taken in the case of Venezuela. We have acted with prudence"
5 maand geleden Readout of @POTUS Call with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil:"The two leaders agreed on the need for immediate release of full, transparent, and detailed voting data at the polling station level by the Venezuelan electoral authorities."
Brazilian Foreign Ministry "expects CNE results broken down by table" for transparency and credibility of the results